תמונת מופע: A film and a meeting "The camera of Dr. Morris

A film and a meeting "The camera of Dr. Morris

המשכן למוסיקה ואומנויות רעננה-אולם מופעים מסומן (מפת הגעה)
יום רביעי, 26 פברואר 2025 בשעה 18:00
משך: 2 שעות
מחיר 58 עד 65 ₪

פרטי האירוע

Many Faces

Documentary cinema on Jewish and Israeli Identity

A  meeting with a film screening (subtitles in English) and a meeting with the filmmaker (in English).

 About the film: The Camera of Doctor Morris
Extraordinary documentation of a fighter pilot doctor and amateur photographer

and his wife - a young British couple who chose to settle in Eilat in the 1950s.

For decades, Dr. Morris recorded his expanding family with his camera,

along with stories of Clarence the alligator, the family pet.
After the film:  meeting with the filmmakers - Itamar Alcalay and Meital Zvieli



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